- Minecraft players can build secret doors in-game to protect their treasures from other players, with techniques evolving since the game's release.
- A guide is available to assist in making secret doors using Pressure Plates, Sticky Pistons, Item Frames, and Buttons, as well as simpler methods without the need for Redstone or Sticky Pistons.
- Various methods are detailed including creating hidden rooms using paintings, secret doorways with Sticky Pistons, simple Redstone hidden doors, secret ground doors, secret staircases, and Item Frame doors with Redstone mechanisms and Buttons.
Minecraft players should use secret doors to keep their treasures safe from other players. The secret door isn’t a dirt door you must break down and rebuild whenever you want to enter it.
In the years since Minecraft’s release, players have developed various techniques for building secret entrances.
This guide will teach you how to make a secret door using Pressure Plates, Sticky Pistons, Item Frames, and Buttons. In addition, we will discuss more straightforward methods that do not involve Redstone or Sticky Pistons.
So, find out how you can keep others from stealing your treasure in Minecraft by reading on.
How To Make A Secret Door In Minecraft
One of the most accessible types of secret doors is one that does not use actual Minecraft Doors or Redstone Mechanics. You can use this type of secret door to hide rooms within your base in plain view.
The only thing you will need is a hole, two signs, and some paint. And, you will need to dig an entrance into the room you want to hide in.
It should be a regular 1 x 2 opening. Then, attach your two signs to one side of the opening.
And, if you’re going to hang a large painting, make sure the total size of the wall is large enough.
A painting that is too small will not be able to effectively conceal the door. We discovered that 3 blocks high is the ideal wall height. The big painting will fit perfectly at that height.
Signs and solid blocks can only be painted. You only need to place the Painting on the wall once your doorway is ready.
And, your entire doorway will be covered by the painting. However, you will still be able to pass through it to get to the room behind it.
Make a Secret Door in Minecraft With Sticky Pistons
It is very convenient to have a door activated by pressure plates. However, it is not very secretive.
So, if you want to keep it hidden, you can make it of the same material as your door. And, if someone stands on the plates, your door will not be visible. Find out how to make such a door.
1. Firstly, stack two Sticky Pistons on top of one another.
2. Then, four blocks away from the first Sticky Piston construction, build a similar two-block construction.
3. Now, next to each Sticky Piston tower, place two Stone blocks on top of each other. And, now there should be two blocks between two identical constructions.
4. Each Sticky Piston pillar should have a Redstone torch at the bottom. And, your doorway should be surrounded by these pillars.
5. The Stone block should be placed right above the Redstone Torches in the middle of each pillar.
6. Then, build a 2*6 block hole under the Stone block construction between the Sticky Pistons. And, fill the hole with Redstone.
7. Now, hide the hole by covering it with grass blocks.
8. And, attach pressure plates to each side of the Stone block structure. You can open the “door” by standing on the stone block construction, which expands when you do.
9. Now, to hide the “door”, build a stone construction of any shape around it. But, avoid covering the Pressure Plates.
Make a Simple Redstone Hidden Door
There are endless possibilities and options with anything Redstone-related. The same is true for hidden doors.
It is possible to hide a simple door or an entire cave with a mechanism. We will use a simpler version of a hidden door for this article.
This project requires 12 Sticky Pistons, 4 Redstone Repeaters, and some Redstone Dust. It is a two-block wide door.
1. With the Sticky Pistons, you start off by making two L-shaped pieces, and then you place your door block inside of the corner.
2. The Pistons need a “roof”. So, to place all your Redstone components if you’re in a mountain or terrain, there will be a 1 block tall gap above.
3. Lay out your Redstone Repeaters and Redstone Dust along the “roof” or gap in the following pattern. And, you will have to put one Redstone Repeater on each tick. Right-click to do so.
Your secret door basically consists of only that. Put a Lever or Button where the Redstone Dust extends to the front.
And, this will activate the system. You can keep the Button or Lever hidden by simply carrying it with you.
Make a Secret Door in Minecraft on the Ground
Rather than creating complex structures with Sticky Pistons, you can dig a hole in the ground and create a secret door. You can do this by following these steps:
1. Firstly, dig a hole in the ground that is of a suitable size.
2. And, apply some base to the hole’s surface.
3. Then, insert a ladder into the hole.
4. And, fill in the hole whenever you enter or exit it.
However, it is easy to lose this type of secret door. So, make sure you note its location or build it near a noteworthy structure.
Make Secret Staircases in Minecraft
The secret staircase can also be hidden using Redstone, similar to the secret door. You can use it to conceal an entire floor in your base or to hide the actual entrance to your base.
And, in combination with the previous design for a hidden door, it works particularly well.
Also, sticky Pistons might be needed quite a bit depending on how far up the entrance is. Each staircase block needs one.
1. Place two Sticky Pistons in the wall, two blocks away from the wall, lining up up. And, make sure you have a solid block between your Pistons and the wall. The Redstone wires will run through this block.
2. Then, put a Stair block on each side of your Pistons once they are all in place. And, place your regular blocks under the stairs to build the wall.
3. And, we can now cover up the Stairs by placing more Stairs to the side. And, the stairs are curved in a way that makes them appear as if they’re a part of the wall. Spiral stairs use the same curving mechanics.
It is now just a matter of placing the Redstone Dust on top of each block behind the Sticky Pistons and placing your Lever or Button.
A Redstone Comparator and an Item Frame can also be used as keys to making it more hidden.
The Pistons will push out the Stair blocks as soon as you activate them, so you can climb them.
And, the Stairs will become visible again when you remove the Button or Lever. Lone wolves will not be able to tell the difference.
Make a Secret Door in Minecraft With Item Frames
It is an Item Frame door that is the most secretive door in Minecraft. Also, an object in a frame hanging on a wall can be used to activate the door mechanism.
And, you will need some skills and understanding of how Redstone works in order to construct it. To create an Item Frame door, follow these instructions if you are a beginner:
1. Now, add a wall to your home or build one. For your Redstone construction, make sure there is some free space behind the wall.
2. Then, install an Item Frame on the wall. And, fill it with an item of your choice.
3. Then, make a hole in the wall where the door will be.
4. The Sticky Piston should be placed two blocks away from your hole on the opposite side of the wall. And, make sure the sticky side is facing the wall.
5. Now, to the sticky portion of the Sticky Piston, add a block of the same material as your wall.
6. Then, set up a Redstone pathway from your Sticky Piston block to the Item Frame block on the other side. And, make a space of one block between the Item Frame block and the Redstone line.
7. Now, replace the missing Comparator with a Redstone Comparator. And, make sure the arrow points up.
8. Now, a Redstone Repeater should be placed about halfway through your Redstone pathway.
9. Then, to activate the mechanism, place the item inside the frame.
Make a Secret Door in Minecraft With a Button
You can create a secret button to open a door once you’ve worked with Redstone before. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Firstly, create your door on a wall. And, make sure there is enough space behind it for a secret room with a Redstone mechanism.
2. Then, make a hole in a wall that is two blocks high and two blocks wide. And, one side of the doorway needs a Sticky Piston pillar three blocks tall.
3. Now, to the Sticky Piston pillar, attach a two-block high Stone pillar. The doorway should now be fully concealed.
4. Then, attach a button to the Red Clay Banner and conceal it with a painting. You can also tuck it away in a chest. There are many ways to conceal your button.
5. The Sticky Pistons that open the door require a Redstone pathway. And, from the other side of the wall you’ve made the doorway in, it should be hidden. The Redstone pathway should be separated from the Sticky Pistons by one block.
6. Now, replace the missing spot between the Redstone pathways and Sticky Pistons with a Redstone Comparator. And, this comparator should have an arrow pointing toward the wall.
7. The Redstone Repeater should be placed about halfway along your Redstone pathway.
8. You should build walls around the Redstone mechanism. And, you can now hide treasures in this area.
Make a Secret Door in Minecraft With Pressure Plates
In Minecraft, Sticky Pistons and Pressure Plates are two of the most common ways to create secret doors. Follow these steps:
1. First, by stacking two Sticky Piston blocks, build a pillar.
2. Then, build four blocks away from the existing one.
3. Now, place two Stone blocks on top of each other to make two Stone pillars. And, the distance between two identical constructions should now be two blocks.
4. Now, each Sticky Piston pillar should have a Redstone Torch at the bottom. And, place them on either side of your doorway.
5. Then, add a Stone block to each of the Redstone Torches.
6. Now, build a large two-by-three block hole about two blocks deep under the Stone blocks. And, seal it with Redstone.
7. Now, hide the hole by covering it with grass blocks.
8. And, attach pressure plates to the Stone block structure. Standing on the Pressure Plates will cause the stone block construction to expand, creating a door.
9. Then, hide your construction in creative ways. You can use Stone to build walls around your improvised door, but you should not cover the Pressure Plates.
Final Words
You should have been able to make a secret door in Minecraft after reading this guide. There is a certain level of knowledge and experience required for some of the methods mentioned. In the long run, however, they’re worth the time and effort, since they protect your most precious assets.