HomeWindowsHow to Run Google Play Store On Windows 11

How to Run Google Play Store On Windows 11


Key Takeaways
  • Download GApps package, set up WSL 2, and download 7-Zip and WSAGA script before installing Google Play Store on Windows 11
  • Download WSA package, manage WSA files using 7-Zip, and patch the WSA package on Windows 11 to include Google Apps
  • Install Google Play Store on Windows Subsystem for Android by enabling Developer Mode, connecting ADB, and granting superuser rights in the shell mode

During the launch event of Windows 11, Microsoft said that users would be able to download and run Android apps on their PC. However, you can now install Google PlayStore on Windows Subsystem on Android, with which you can easily download and install Android apps on your Windows 11 PC. This makes it possible for Windows 11 to install apps from Google Play Store and also utilize all the Google apps. If you want to download and run Google Play Store on Windows 11, this article will help you. Here is the complete step-by-step process to run Google Play Store on Windows 11.

Prerequisites To Know Before Installing Google Play Store

There are certain things that you need to know before you get started with the process. Ensure you download the following files and take care of the things below before downloading and installing Google Play Store on Windows 11.

  • Download the GApps package on your PC. You can download the package fromย here. Ensure you download the version which complies with โ€˜x86_64โ€™, โ€˜Android 11โ€™, and โ€˜Pico.โ€™
  • Ensure you have downloaded and set up WSL 2/Windows Subsystem for Linux on your PC. You can download it fromย here.
  • Download and install 7-Zip on your Windows PC. You can download 7-Zip from thisย link. If you use any other Zip converter, then you can use that instead of 7-Zip.
  • Also, download the WSAGA script. You can download the link from GitHub from thisย link. Here, click onย Codeย and then click onย Download ZIP.ย 

Install Google PlayStore On Windows 11

You can easily run the Google PlayStore on Windows 11 by following the steps given in this article. We have divided the complete process into five steps to make it easier for you to follow. To run Google Play Store on Windows 11, follow the steps given below-

Download WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) Package On Your PC

Firstly, you will have to download the WSAP package on your PC. You can easily download the package from the Microsoft serves. Given below are the steps to download the WSA package on your PC-

  • Head to thisย websiteย from where you can download the official WSA package.
  • On the screen that appears, select the drop-down box sayingย URL (link), and from the list of options that appears, selectย ProductID.ย 
  • In the given field, enter the following Product IDย 9P3395VX91NR.

Download WSA Package

  • Now select the drop-down menu sayingย RP.ย You will find this drop-down menu next to the field where you entered the product ID.
  • Now, click on theย Tickย button to get ahead.
  • The next screen that opens up will give you a list of various files to download. Here, search forย msixbundle fileย that will be of the size of around 1.21GB.

WSA Package For Windows 11

  • Right-click on the appropriate file, and then from the context menu, selectย Save Link As, and you will be able to download the file on your PC.

Managing The WSA Files

Now that you have downloaded the WSA files on your PC, you will also have to manage them. To manage the WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) files, follow the steps given below-

  • Head to the location where you saved the WSA file and then open it with theย 7-Zipย software or any other alternative.

Opening WSA Package

  • Here you will see two files; the first file will haveย ARM64ย in the name while the other will haveย x64. Select the file with theย x64ย in the name and open it.
  • Now open theย File Explorerย on your PC by pressing theย Windows + Eย key combo. Head to theย C:ย drive in theย File Explorerย and create a folder with the nameย WindowsSubsystemAndroid.ย 

Creating WindowsSystemAndroid Folder

  • After you have created the folder, head back to theย 7-Zip (or any alternative)ย window where you have opened the file withย x64ย in the name.
  • Here, select all the files except with the namesย AppxMetadata,ย AppxBlockMap.xml,ย AppxSignature.p7x, andย [Content_Types.xml]. You can select all the files by pressingย Ctrl + Aย key combo. To deselect these particular files, press and hold theย Ctrlย key and click on these files individually.

Copying Files From WSA Package

  • Copy the files you have selected, and then paste all the files to theย WindowsSubsytemAndroidย folder you have created in theย C:ย drive.

Pasting Files to WindowsSubsystemAndroid

  • Now create a new folder with the nameย GAppsWSAย in theย C:ย drive.

Creating GAppsWA folder

  • Head to the location where you saved the WSAGA script and extract the script to theย GAppsWSAย folder you created.

Extracting WSAGA Script

  • Now, locate theย GApps (Pico)ย ZIP file that we downloaded, and then copy it. Now head to theย #GAPPSย folder inside theย GAppsWSAย folder, and paste the file here. You donโ€™t need to extract the file.

#GAPPS Folder

  • Head to theย WindowsSubsystemAndroidย folder in theย C:ย drive. Here, copy the files with the nameย vendor.img,ย system.img,ย system_ext1.img, andย product.img.

Copying .img files

  • Now, head to theย #IMAGESย folder that you will find in theย GAppsWSAย folder in theย C:ย drive, and paste these files here.

Pasting Files To #IMAGES

Patching The WSA Package

Now the next thing that you will have to do is patch the WSA package on Windows 11. You will have to do this to include Google Apps on Windows 11. To do so, follow the steps given below-

  • Firstly, open the Linux on Windows Terminal.
  • Here typeย sudo suย and then hitย Enterย to continue. You will be asked to enter your PC password to have the root privileges to the Linux Enter your password and hitย Enterย to continue.
  • After doing so, enter the following commands and execute them. If asked to confirm, you will have to pressย Yย to allow the installation.
    • apt install zip unzip
    • apt install dos2unix
  • Next, you will have to run the following commands. Run the command one by one to move to theย GAppsWSAย folder that you have created in theย C:ย drive. Paste the command as it is, and do note that there is space betweenย cdย andย dots.ย 
    • cd ..
    • cd ..
    • cd GAppsWSA/
  • After you are in theย GAppsWSA, execute the following commands in the terminal. Execute the following commands one by one-
    • dos2unix apply.sh
    • dos2unix extend_and_mount_images.sh
    • dos2unix extract_gapps_pico.sh
    • dos2unix unmount_images.sh
    • dos2unix VARIABLES.sh
  • Next, execute the set of following commands one by one-
    • ./extract_gapps_pico.sh
    • ./extend_and_mount_images.sh
    • ./apply.sh
    • ./unmount_images.sh
  • After doing so, open theย GAppsWSAย folder in theย C:ย drive and open theย #IMAGESย folder. Now copy all the files withย .IMGย extension. You will find four files here; copy all of them.

Copying Files From #IMAGES

  • Now, head to theย WindowsSubsystemAndroidย folder in theย C:ย drive, and paste all the four files here. You will be asked whether you want to replace the file, skip copying, or whether you have varying choices for each file. Selectย Replace the file in the destination.ย 

Pasting Files In WSA Folder

  • Now, head back to theย GAppsWSAย folder, and here open theย miscย folder. Copy theย kernelย file here.

Copying Kernel File

  • After doing so, move back to theย WindowsSubsystemAndroidย folder, and here open theย Tools folder.

Pasting Kernel File

  • You will see a file nameย kernelย already present here. Rename the already presetย kernelย file toย kernel_bakย and then paste theย kernelย file you copied here.

Install Google Play Store On Windows Subsystem For Android

This part of the guide will help you install Google Play Store on your Windows 11 PC. This part is as essential as other parts of the article, so do not skip either this part or any other part. To install the Google Play Store on your PC, follow the steps given below-

  • Open theย Start Menuย on your PC by pressing theย Windowsย key. In theย Start Menu, search forย PowerShell.ย Right-click on theย Windows PowerShellย and then click onย Run as administrator. You will need to give administrative privileges toย Windows PowerShellย to install Google Play Store.



  • Now you will have to install the modifiedย WSAย on your PC. To do so, enter the following command and execute it-
    • Add-AppxPackage -Register C:\WindowsSubsystemAndroid\AppxManifest.xml

Installing Modified WSA

  • If you do not get any errors, then you can continue with the steps ahead. However, if you get the error, then you will have to enable theย Developer Mode. To enableย Developer Mode, follow the steps given below-
    • Open theย Settingsย app on your PC by pressing theย Windows + Iย key combo.ย 
    • Head to theย Privacy & securityย section in the left sidebar.ย 
    • Now click onย For Developersย and then turn on the toggle for theย Developer Mode on the right side.ย You will be asked to confirm turning onย Developer Mode.ย Turn on the toggle.

Turn On Developer Mode

    • After enabling theย Developer Mode, try running the above code again.ย 
  • After doing so, search forย Windows Subsystem for Androidย in theย Start Menuย and open it.ย 
  • Now, under theย Windows Subsystem for Androidย window, enable the toggle forย Developer Mode.ย This will assign anย IP addressย to theย Android container.ย Ensure you note down the IP address somewhere, as you will need it later.ย 

Developer Mode

  • Now, click on theย Filesย button to run theย WSAย for Windows 11 PC. You can then close theย Filesย window.ย 
  • Your IP address should show up in theย WSA settings.ย If you cannot see theย IPย address, then click on theย Manage Developer Settingsย option that you will see under theย Developer mode.ย Now, scroll down in theย Developer optionsย and openย Wireless debugging.ย You will see theย IP addressย here; note it down somewhere.ย 

Wireless Debugging

  • Now download and install theย ADB and fastboot toolsย on your PC. You can download theย ADB and fastboot toolsย from thisย link.ย 

ADB and Fastboot Tools

  • Open the folder where you have extracted/installedย ADB and fastboot tools. Now, in theย address barย search forย CMDย and hitย Enterย to open theย Command Prompt.ย 
  • Now typeย adb connect ipaddressย in theย Command Promptย and execute it. Here you will have to replace theย ipaddressย with the one that you have noted above. If the Command Prompt fails to authenticate it for the first time, then enter the command again.ย 
  • After doing so, you will have to enter theย Shell Modeย of the WSA and then grant it superuser rights. To do so, enter the following commands one by one-
    • ADB shell
    • su
  • Next, you will have to change theย SELinuxย mode to permissive. To do so, enterย setenforce 0ย in theย Command Promptย and execute it.ย 
  • Google Play Store will be installed on your PC now.ย 
  • Open theย Start Menuย and search forย Google PlayStoreย on it. Click onย Google PlayStoreย to open it.ย 

How To Run The Google Play Store On Windows 11?

  • Next, you will have to sign in to your Google account to download and install apps from theย Google Play Store.ย 

Restoring Kernel On WSA

ย Now that you are done with everything, you will have to restore the kernel on the WSA. To do so, follow the steps given below-

  • Firstly, close all the windows that are opened on your PC and then open theย Settingsย page of theย WSA.ย 
  • Here, click on theย Turn offย button, then you see next toย Turn off Windows Subsystem for Android. Wait till the loading sign disappears here.

Restore Kernel

  • After doing so, head to theย WindowsSubsystemAndroidย folder in theย C:ย drive and head to theย Toolsย folder.
  • Rename theย kernelย file to theย kernel_rootย and renameย kernel_bakย file to theย kernel.ย 

Rename Kernel File

  • Once done, you will have successfully restored the kernel on WSA.



Following the above steps, you will be able to run Google Play Store on Windows 11. Ensure you follow all the steps correctly; only then will you run Google Play Store on Windows 11 without any issue.

Anurag Jain
Anurag Jainhttps://itechhacks.com
Anurag is a Senior content analyst with 4 years of experience in the industry. Based in India, He is extremely skilled at Windows related to How to Troubleshooting matters. His favorite topics are Windows 11, Android, and How To's.


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