HomeKali LinuxA to Z Kali Linux and Linux Commands Line List | Basic...

A to Z Kali Linux and Linux Commands Line List | Basic to Advance


Key Takeaways
  • Kali Linux is a favored operating system for solving day-to-day issues and security assignments, not just for hacking.
  • It comes with over 300 penetration-testing programs preinstalled, including tools like Armitage, Nmap, and Wireshark.
  • Kali Linux supports various devices and Linux commands, with a PDF available for download containing a comprehensive list of over 200 Linux commands for programming and hacking purposes.

Kali Linux and UNIX is one of my all-time favorite operating systems. Not for Hacking, but its open-source platform let me help to solve many days to day issues, helps to prepare security assignments, and much more. if you are a habitual user of Linux then this Linux Commands Line list would amaze you for sure.

200+ Kali Linux and Linux Commands Line List | Basic to Advance
kali linux commands

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution that is designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It comes with over 300 penetration-testing programs preinstalled in it. These programs include Armitage which is a graphical cyber attack management tool, Nmap which is a port scanner, Wireshark which is a packet analyzer, etc.

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is an OS that hackers chooses first. Well, Linux is an open-source operating system in which ย Kali Linux functions when it is installed on a computerโ€™s hard disc but you require a minimum of 20GB hard disk space to install in on your computer, it can also be booted by using a CD or USB. Kali Linux is a supported platform of the Metasploit Projectโ€™s Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing security exploits.

Linux has a custom-built kernel that is patched for 802.11 wireless injections. This was added because the developers found out that they needed to do a lot of wireless assessments. Kali Linux is available for many devices such as BeagleBone Black, EfikaMX, HP Chromebook, CuBox, CuBox-i, Odroid U2, Odroid XU, Odroid XU3, Samsung Chromebook, Galaxy Note 10.1, CubieBoard 2, Raspberry Pi, Utilite Pro, and SS808.

Read:ย How To Safely Install Kali Linux on Android

As Kali NetHunter is introduced, Kali Linux is also officially available on many devices such as the Nexus 5, ย Nexus 7, Nexus 9, Nexus 10, OnePlus One, and Samsung Galaxy models. For using the Kali Linux, you must know the Linux commands. If you do not know the Kali Linux commands thoroughly, you will end up strangled in one particular place. Hence, here we are going to provide you with the most commonly used commands and also, explain what they will do for you. The list of these commands is very long so letโ€™s get started without wasting any more time.

Also Read:ย  Best eBooks To Learn Kali Linux From Beginning

ย Kali Linux and Linux Commands Line List

Linux Command List: Here we have listed top 100+ most used and unknown Linux Commands that you can use for programming and hacking purpose. โ€œLinux Commands Line Cheat Sheetโ€

Linux CommandFunctions
aproposย Search Help manual pages (man -k)
ย apt-getย Search for and install software packages (Debian)
ย aptitudeย Search for and install software packages (Debian)
ย aspellย Spell Checker
ย awkย Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
basenameย Strip directory and suffix from filenames
ย bashย GNU Bourne-Again Shell
ย bcย Arbitrary precision calculator language
ย bgย Send to background
ย breakย Exit from a loop
ย builtinย Run a shell builtin
ย bzip2ย Compress or decompress named files
ย calย Display a calendar
ย caseย Conditionally perform a command
ย catย Concatenate and print (display) the content of files
ย cdย Change Directory
ย cfdiskย Partition table manipulator for Linux
ย chgrpย Change group ownership
ย chkconfigย System services (runlevel)
ย chmodย Change access permissions
ย chownย Change file owner and group
ย chrootย Run a command with a different root directory
ย cksumย Print CRC checksum and byte counts
ย clearย Clear terminal screen
ย cmpย Compare two files
ย commย Compare two sorted files line by line
ย commandย Run a command โ€“ ignoring shell functions
ย continueย Resume the next iteration of a loop
ย cpย Copy one or more files to another location
ย cronย Daemon to execute scheduled commands
ย crontabย Schedule a command to run at a later time
ย csplitย Split a file into context-determined pieces
ย cutย Divide a file into several parts
ย dateย Display or change the date and time
ย dcย Desk Calculator
ย ddย Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
ย ddrescueย Data recovery tool
ย declareย Declare variables and give them attributes
ย dfย Display free disk space
ย diffย Display the differences between two files
ย diff3ย Show differences among three files
ย digย DNS lookup
ย dirย Briefly list directory contents
ย dircolorsย Colour setup for `lsโ€™
ย dirnameย Convert a full pathname to just a path
ย dirsย Display list of remembered directories
ย dmesgย Print kernel & driver messages
ย duย Estimate file space usage
ย echoย Display message on screen
ย egrepย Search files for lines that match an extended expression
ย ejectย Eject removable media
ย enableย Enable and disable builtin shell commands
ย envย Environment variables
ย ethtoolย Ethernet card settings
ย evalย Evaluate several commands/arguments
ย execย Execute a command
ย exitย Exit the shell
ย expandย Convert tabs to spaces
ย expectย Automate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal
ย exportย Set an environment variable
ย exprย Evaluate expressions
ย fdformatย Low-level format a floppy disk
ย fdiskย Partition table manipulator for Linux
ย fgย Send job to foreground
ย fgrepย Search files for lines that match a fixed string
ย fileย Determine file type
ย findย Search for files that meet a desired criteria
ย fmtย Reformat paragraph text
ย foldย Wrap text to fit a specified width
ย forย Expand words, and execute commands
ย formatย Format disks or tapes
ย freeย Display memory usage
ย fsckย File system consistency check and repair
ย ftpย File Transfer Protocol
ย functionย Define Function Macros
ย fuserย Identify/kill the process that is accessing a file
gawkย Find and Replace text within files
ย getoptsย Parse positional parameters
ย grepย Search files for lines that match a given pattern
ย groupaddย Add a user security group
ย groupdelย Delete a group
ย groupmodย Modify a group
ย groupsย Print group names a user is in
ย gzipย Compress or decompress named files
hashย Remember the full pathname of a name argument
ย headย Output the first part of files
ย helpย Display help for a built-in command
ย historyย Command History
ย hostnameย Print or set system name
ย iconvย Convert the character set of a file
ย idย Print user and group idโ€™s
ย ifย Conditionally perform a command
ย ifconfigย Configure a network interface
ย ifdownย Stop a network interface
ย ifupย Start a network interface up
ย importย Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
ย installย Copy files and set attributes
jobsย List active jobs
ย joinย Join lines on a common field
ย killย Stop a process from running
ย killallย Kill processes by name
ย lessย Display output one screen at a time
ย letย Perform arithmetic on shell variables
ย lnย Create a symbolic link to a file
ย localย Create variables
locateย Find files
ย lognameย Print current login name
ย logoutย Exit a login shell
ย lookย Display lines beginning with a given string
ย lpcย Line printer control program
ย lprย Off line print
ย lprintย Print a file
ย lprintdย Abort a print job
ย lprintqย List the print queue
ย lprmย Remove jobs from the print queue
ย lsย List information about files
ย lsofย List open files
ย makeย Recompile a group of programs
ย manย Help manual
ย mkdirย Create new folders
ย mkfifoย Make FIFOs (named pipes)
ย mkisofsย Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
ย mknodย Make block or character special files
ย mmvย Mass Move and rename files
ย moreย Display output one screen at a time
ย mountย Mount a file system
ย mtoolsย Manipulate MS-DOS files
ย mtrย Network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
ย mvย Move or rename files or directories
ย netstatย Networking information
ย niceย Set the priority of a command or job
ย nlย Number lines and write files
ย nohupย Run a command immune to hangups
ย notify-sendย Send desktop notifications
ย nslookupย Query Internet name servers interactively
ย opย Operator access
ย openย Open a file in its default application
ย passwdย Modify a user password
ย pasteย Merge lines of files
ย pathchkย Check file name portability
ย pingย Test a network connection
ย pkillย Stop processes from running
ย popdย Restore the previous value of the current directory
ย prย Prepare files for printing
ย printcapย Printer capability database
ย printenvย Print environment variables
ย printfย Format and print data
ย psย Process status
ย pushdย Save and then change the current directory
ย pwdย Print Working Directory
ย quotaย Display disk usage and limits
ย quotacheckย Scan a file system for disk usage
ย quotactlย Set disk quotas
ย ramย ram disk device
ย rcpย Copy files between two machines
ย readย Read a line from standard input
ย readarrayย Read from stdin into an array variable
ย readonlyย Mark variables/functions as readonly
ย rebootย Reboot the system
ย remsyncย Synchronize remote files via email
ย renameย Rename files
ย reniceย Alter priority of running processes
ย returnย Exit a shell function
ย revย Reverse lines of a file
ย rmย Remove files
ย rmdirย Remove folders
ย rsyncย Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
ย scpย Secure copy (remote file copy)
ย screenย Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
ย sdiffย Merge two files interactively
ย sedย Stream Editor
ย selectย Accept keyboard input
ย seqย Print numeric sequences
ย setย Manipulate shell variables and functions
ย sftpย Secure File Transfer Program
ย shiftย Shift positional parameters
ย shoptย Shell Options
ย shutdownย Shutdown or restart linux
ย sleepย Delay for a specified time
ย slocateย Find files
ย sortย Sort text files
ย sourceย Run commands from a file
ย splitย Split a file into fixed-size pieces
ย sshย Secure Shell client (remote login program)
ย straceย Trace system calls and signals
ย suย Substitute user identity
ย sudoย Execute a command as another user
ย sumย Print a checksum for a file
ย suspendย Suspend execution of this shell
ย symlinkย Make a new name for a file
ย syncย Synchronize data on disk with memory
ย tailย Output the last part of file
ย tarย Tape Archiver
ย teeย Redirect output to multiple files
ย testย Evaluate a conditional expression
ย timeย Measure Program running time
ย timesย User and system times
ย topย List processes running on the system
ย touchย Change file timestamps
ย trย Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
ย tracerouteย Trace Route to Host
ย trapย Run a command when a signal is set(bourne)
ย trueย Do nothing, successfully
ย tsortย Topological sort
ย ttyย Print filename of terminal on stdin
ย typeย Describe a command
ย ulimitย Limit user resources
ย umaskย Users file creation mask
ย umountย Unmount a device
ย unaliasย Remove an alias
ย unameย Print system information
ย unexpandย Convert spaces to tabs
ย uniqย Uniquify files
ย unitsย Convert units from one scale to another
ย unsetย Remove variable or function names
ย unsharย Unpack shell archive scripts
ย untilย Execute commands (until error)
ย uptimeย Show uptime
ย useraddย Create new user account
ย usermodย Modify user account
ย usersย List users currently logged in
ย uudecodeย Decode a file created by uuencode
ย uuencodeย Encode a binary file
ย vย Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -bโ€™)
ย vdirย Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -bโ€™)
ย viย Text Editor
ย vmstatย Report virtual memory statistics
ย waitย Wait for a process to complete
ย watchย Execute/display a program periodically
ย wcย Print byte, word, and line counts
ย wgetย Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
ย whereisย Search the userโ€™s $path, man pages and source files for a program
ย whichย Search the userโ€™s $path for a program file
ย whileย Execute commands
ย whoย Print all usernames currently logged in
ย whoamiย Print the current user id and name (`id -unโ€™)
ย writeย Send a message to another user
ย xargsย Execute utility, passing constructed argument lists
ย xdg-openย Open a file or URL in the userโ€™s preferred application
ย yesย  Print a string until interrupted

Download Kali Linux Commands PDF

Download PDF

Also Read:ย Top 200+ Best CMD Tricks, Tips And Hacks

Wrap Up: Well, This is a big list of Most Successful and Working Linux Commands or Kali Linux Commands 202 PDF. We hope this pretty awesome list would be beneficial for you and you can easily use these Command lines on Kali Linux OS. Anyways, there may be a possibility that we have forgotten any Kali Linux Command Line then you can comment below. We will add them also here.

Mukesh Bhardwaj
Mukesh Bhardwajhttps://itechhacks.com
Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.



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