- OpenRGB is a software used for customizing RGB devices, but users are facing issues with OpenRGB not detecting devices, which hinders customization.
- Reasons for OpenRGB not detecting devices include unsupported devices, improper connection, lack of software authority, and conflicts with other RGB software.
- To fix the issue, users can check OpenRGB supported devices, restart the software, rescan for drivers, unplug and plug the device again, close the process through task manager, and reinstall OpenRGB if needed.
OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices? Go through this guide till the end to learn more about the ways to fix the issue now.
OpenRGB is being used by users who have RGB devices. Basically, the OpenRGB works in handling how the RGB of the devices will work or how you want to customize them. It simply comes with a user-friendly interface where the users can easily select their own types of color for the devices and sync them to use accordingly.
However, the users who have the OpenRGB are reporting that the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices. Due to the issue, the users are not able to use it properly in customizing the RGB devices. We are going to list out the ways through which you will be able to resolve the problem of OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices easily. So let’s get started with it.
Why is OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices?
There are a lot of users who are having issues with the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices. This is causing them issues due to which they are not able to customize their RGB device lighting. Many users have tried different ways to understand the cause of the problem, but they were not able to find out the reasons. However, we have found out some of the reasons which we will be going to list to help you understand the cause of the issue.
- There are chances that the device is not supported by OpenRGB.
- Your device is not connected properly.
- The software does not have proper authority to customize the RGB devices.
- You are using some different RGB Software along with the OpenRGB.
How to Fix OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices
If you are willing to use the OpenRGB and want to customize the RGB devices, then you have to follow the steps which are listed below to fix the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices.
Check OpenRGB Supported Device
The users facing the issue should check whether the device that they are trying to use is supported by OpenRGB or not. They can easily check it through the OpenRGB Supported Device. If your device is on the list, then you should follow the below methods, otherwise, there are low chances of fixing the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices.
Restart OpenRGB
If the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices, then you should try restarting the software as there are chances that it was not able to scan the devices properly during its startup. So restarting the software can help you in resolving the issue.
Rescan For The Drivers
The users who are facing the issue should check whether the drivers are scanned and working properly on the device or not. If the system that you are using is not able to scan the drivers, then the RGB device will not work properly with the OpenRGB. So make sure to check and rescan for the drivers in your system.
Unplug and Plug The Device Again
You can try unplugging and plugging your RGB device again to resolve the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices. It can also help you in resolving the problem without any hassle. Many users were able to resolve the problem easily by doing this. It can be effective in case the app is not able to detect the driver due to some issues. So you should try doing this.
Close The Process Through the Task Manager
The users can try closing the task of the OpenRGB completely to fix the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices. There are chances that the problem is occurring due to the services that have not been started properly due to some issues, so it will be good for you to end the task of the OpenRGB to fix this issue. Once you have closed the task properly, then you can start it again to check whether the issue has been resolved.
- Press CTRL + ALT + DEL.
- Now, select Task Manager.
- Click on OpenRGB.
- Right-click on it.
- Select End Task. That’s it.
Reinstall The OpenRGB
Even after trying the above methods if you are still facing the same issue, then we will suggest that you should try reinstalling the app on your system again. There are chances that the problem is occurring with you due to some issues that might have occurred during the installation. So it will be good for you to try reinstalling the app again on your system to check whether the issue gets resolved or not.
A lot of users have been reporting the OpenRGB Not Detecting Devices. We hope that the above methods will help you in resolving the problem easily on your system. If you were not able to resolve the problem after trying the methods, then try contacting the support team. They are the ones who can help you in resolving the issue on your system specifically.Â