HomemacOSHow to Resolve SSH Dispatch Run Fatal Errors on macOS Sequoia Firewall

How to Resolve SSH Dispatch Run Fatal Errors on macOS Sequoia Firewall


Key Takeaways
  • The "ssh_dispatch_run_fatal" error in macOS Sequoia disrupts SSH connections due to firewall settings or third-party security tool conflicts, making remote server access difficult for users.
  • Common causes include macOS firewall blocking SSH traffic, interference from security tools like Little Snitch, outdated remote server software, and network changes like new routers or proxies.
  • Solutions to fix the error include adjusting macOS firewall settings, adding SSH as an exception, modifying SSH client configurations, updating remote server software, disabling third-party firewalls, using VPNs, and monitoring for macOS updates.

SSH (Secure Shell) is a critical tool for remote access, used by developers, system administrators, and anyone who needs secure access to remote servers. It’s widely trusted for secure data communication and command execution over untrusted networks. However, after updating to macOS Sequoia, many users have encountered an error that disrupts their SSH connections: the “ssh_dispatch_run_fatal” error.

This error can be frustrating, mainly if you rely on SSH for daily tasks like managing servers, transferring files, or performing backups. The issue is primarily linked to firewall settings or compatibility problems with third-party security tools, making it hard to maintain a stable SSH connection.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the possible causes of the “ssh_dispatch_run_fatal” error, explain why it occurs, and provide detailed solutions to get your SSH connections working smoothly again in macOS Sequoia.

How to Resolve SSH Dispatch Run Fatal Errors on macOS Sequoia Firewall

What Causes SSH Dispatch Run Fatal Errors in macOS Sequoia?

The “ssh_dispatch_run_fatal” error in macOS Sequoia typically appears when there’s a disruption in your SSH connection. While SSH is designed to be robust, specific system configurations and network changes introduced with macOS Sequoia can interfere with its functionality. Here are the most common causes:

1. macOS Firewall Blocking SSH Connections

macOS comes with a built-in firewall designed to protect your system from unauthorized incoming connections. Unfortunately, with the Sequoia update, many users have reported that this firewall is mistakenly blocking legitimate SSH traffic. Even if you’ve allowed SSH connections through the firewall, the error still occurs, causing disconnections or failure to establish connections.

2. Third-Party Security Tools Interference

In addition to the built-in firewall, third-party security applications like Little Snitch and Lulu are popular on macOS for providing more advanced network monitoring and control. However, these tools can conflict with SSH connections. After the Sequoia update, several users reported that these applications prevent SSH connections from working properly by blocking necessary ports or disrupting SSH authentication.

3. Remote Server Misconfigurations

Another cause of the SSH dispatch error can stem from the remote server itself. If the server you are trying to connect to is running outdated software or using unsupported SSH key algorithms, the connection can fail. For example, some servers that use Ed25519 keys or older versions of SSH software may produce invalid signatures, leading to a fatal error.

4. Network Configuration Changes

Sometimes, network-related issues, such as changes in routers, proxies, or VPNs, can trigger SSH errors. These changes might disrupt the SSH handshake, causing authentication problems or packet corruption. Although less common, network settings may need to be checked if other fixes don’t work.

SSH_DISPATCH_RUN_FATAL Git Error After Updating To Macos Sequoia

Now that we’ve covered the common causes of the SSH dispatch run fatal error, it’s time to walk through the specific steps to fix it. Whether the issue lies with the macOS firewall, third-party tools, or server settings, these solutions should help you restore SSH functionality.

1. Check Your macOS Firewall Settings

The macOS firewall is often the culprit behind SSH connection issues. By default, the firewall might block incoming SSH traffic even if it is essential for your work. Here’s how to check and adjust your firewall settings to allow SSH connections:

  1. Open System Settings.
  2. Click on Network and scroll down to Firewall.
  3. Click Options next to Firewall.
  4. Look for SSH or /usr/bin/ssh in the list of allowed connections.
  5. If it’s not there, click Add, then navigate to /usr/bin/ssh to add it to the list.
  6. Restart your system and test the SSH connection.

Disable the Firewall Temporarily:

  • If the firewall still blocks SSH traffic, try turning it off temporarily:
    • Go to System Settings > Network > Firewall and toggle it off.
  • While this may resolve the problem temporarily, remember that it’s not ideal for security. If this fixes the issue, it’s likely a bug with the firewall, and you’ll need to watch for a macOS update that addresses this.

2. Add SSH as an Exception in Firewall Settings

In some cases, the SSH service might not be properly handled by the firewall. Manually adding it as an exception can help bypass the firewall rules that are blocking the connection.

  1. Open Terminal and run the following command to allow SSH:
    sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /usr/bin/ssh
  2. After adding the exception, restart your Mac and try reconnecting via SSH.
  3. You can also try adding other apps like Terminal or iTerm2 that you use for SSH by replacing /usr/bin/ssh them with the app’s executable path.

3. Modify SSH Client Configuration

Sometimes, the default SSH client settings on your macOS machine can lead to premature disconnections or authentication issues. Adjusting these settings can help keep the connection alive for longer.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Edit the SSH configuration file by running:
    sudo nano ~/.ssh/config
  3. Add the following lines to prevent the connection from dropping:
    Host *
    TCPKeepAlive yes
    ServerAliveInterval 60
    ServerAliveCountMax 3
  4. Press Ctrl + O to save the file and Ctrl + X to exit.
  5. Retry the SSH connection and check if the issue is resolved.

These settings ensure that the SSH connection is kept alive by sending periodic packets to the server, reducing the chance of disconnection.

4. Update or Reconfigure Remote Servers

In some cases, the issue may not lie with your macOS machine but with the remote server you’re trying to connect to. Servers running outdated SSH software may not support newer key exchange methods, causing connection errors.

  • Update the SSH Server Software: Ensure the server is running the latest version of OpenSSH or similar SSH software.
  • Avoid Ed25519 Keys: If the server doesn’t support Ed25519 keys, configure your SSH client to use RSA instead by adding this to your ~/.ssh/config file:
Host example.com
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa
  • Contact the server administrator to ensure the server is configured to support modern key exchange methods and SSH protocols.

If you have control over the server, updating the SSH daemon or switching to a compatible key type can often resolve the issue.

5. Disable or Reconfigure Third-Party Firewalls

If you use third-party firewall software like Little Snitch or Lulu, these tools could be interfering with your SSH connections. They often block or filter network traffic that may disrupt SSH functionality.

Steps to Temporarily Disable Third-Party Firewalls:

  1. Open the third-party firewall app (e.g., Little Snitch, Lulu).
  2. Disable the firewall or turn off network filtering temporarily.
  3. Attempt the SSH connection again.
  4. If disabling the firewall resolves the issue, you may need to create custom rules to allow SSH traffic through the firewall without turning it off completely.

Alternatively, you can try uninstalling or updating the third-party firewall, as many security tools are still adjusting to compatibility with macOS Sequoia.

Advanced Fixes: macOS Sequoia Firewall Does Not Allow SSH Login

If the basic fixes outlined above fail to resolve the “ssh_dispatch_run_fatal” error, more advanced solutions may be necessary. These fixes should only be considered after exhausting the simpler options, as they involve more drastic changes to your macOS system or SSH setup.

1. Revert to an Older macOS Version

In some cases, the SSH issue might be a result of a bug introduced in macOS Sequoia. While waiting for Apple to release a fix, you can consider reverting to a previous macOS version where SSH was functioning properly. This approach is especially helpful if the problem started immediately after upgrading to Sequoia.

  1. Backup Your Data: Ensure you have a full backup of your data using Time Machine or an external backup tool.
  2. Download an Older macOS Version: Visit the official Apple support page to download an older version, such as macOS Monterey or Ventura.
  3. Create a Bootable macOS Installer:
    • Use a USB drive and follow Apple’s official instructions to create a bootable macOS installer.
  4. Install the Older Version: Boot from the installer and follow the instructions to downgrade macOS.
  5. Restore Data: After the installation is complete, restore your data from your Time Machine backup.

While downgrading can resolve the issue, it’s only a temporary solution, and you should stay informed about macOS updates to re-upgrade when the issue is officially fixed.

2. Use VPN as an Alternative

If the firewall is causing SSH issues and you can’t disable it for security reasons, using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) may provide a workaround. By routing your SSH traffic through a VPN, you bypass the firewall’s restrictions while maintaining a secure connection.

  • VPNs encrypt your traffic, making it harder for firewalls to block specific types of traffic, such as SSH.
  • It provides an additional layer of security, especially when connecting from public networks.
  1. Choose a VPN Provider: Pick a reliable VPN provider that supports macOS. Many VPNs offer simple apps for macOS with minimal configuration.
  2. Install the VPN Client: Download and install the VPN client on your Mac.
  3. Connect to a VPN Server: Once installed, connect to a VPN server.
  4. Test SSH Connection: After connecting to the VPN, try accessing your remote server via SSH to see if the error is resolved.

Using a VPN not only helps bypass local firewall issues but also provides secure remote access.

3. Check for System-Wide Network Configuration Changes

In some cases, network misconfigurations can disrupt SSH connections. Changes in your network setup, such as new routers, proxy servers, or network switches, may interfere with the SSH protocol. If the SSH error persists, it’s worth examining your network configuration.

  1. Check Router/Firewall Settings: Ensure that port 22 (the SSH port) is not being blocked by your router or firewall.
  2. Disable Proxies or VPNs Temporarily: If you’re using a proxy server or VPN, try disabling them to see if they are interfering with your SSH connections.
  3. Examine Local Network Changes: If you’ve recently added network hardware like switches or access points, try bypassing them to see if they are affecting the connection.

By isolating network changes, you may identify external factors that are causing SSH failures.

4. Monitor macOS Updates for Fixes

As macOS Sequoia is relatively new, Apple has acknowledged certain bugs affecting security tools and SSH functionality. It’s essential to keep your system up to date with macOS patches, as Apple is likely working on a fix for this widespread issue.

  1. Enable Automatic Updates: Go to System Settings > Software Update and enable Automatic Updates to ensure you receive the latest macOS fixes as soon as they’re released.
  2. Manually Check for Updates: Regularly check for new updates by going to System Settings > Software Update.
  3. Join the macOS Beta Program: If you’re comfortable with testing new software, consider joining Apple’s Public Beta Program to access early fixes.

By keeping your macOS installation current, you can minimize the impact of bugs like the SSH dispatch error.


The “ssh_dispatch_run_fatal” error in macOS Sequoia can be caused by a range of issues, including firewall settings, third-party security tools, or outdated server configurations. By following the step-by-step fixes outlined in this guide, you can resolve the issue and restore your SSH connections.


Mukesh Bhardwaj
Mukesh Bhardwajhttps://itechhacks.com
Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.


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